1. 聽到楊紫燁導演的名字,令我想起三年前帶學生到浸會大學看《頴州的孩子》和藝術中心看《仇崗衛市》,一部關於河南愛滋村的孤兒,另一部探討水污染與環境公義,兩部都是楊導演的紀錄片。我當時是通識教師,最愛帶學生看記錄片。我認為看一部記錄片後跟學生討論,比上十堂通識課更有意義。
2. 如果我還是通識教師,我一定帶全班學生看《爭氣》,完全配合了「自我及個人成長」的單元。我一定會再用自尊五感(能力感、方向感、連繫感、安全感和獨特感)分析音樂劇對自尊感帶來的變化。還記得四年前借《舞出真我》講自我及個人成長,學生看得也投入,《爭氣》絕對能帶來共鳴。
3. 《爭氣》不只是青少年的成長故事,更揭示了社會邊緣化了弱勢社群。新移民、成年學生、夜青、視障人士,不是被標籤為有問題的Band 3學生,便是排斥於「主流」之外。於是,一套音樂劇將他們重置於舞台之中,在鎂燈之下。是的,要看見,社會要看見他們,他們也要被看見。觀眾看見的,其實不只是成長中的青少年,還有社會的排他性。
4. 想不到,連記錄片也可以拍得很有詩意。楊紫燁導師以不同的鏡頭運用配合不同的人物。例如電影講到失明的子諾,便會配以淺景深的拍攝手法,但淺景深之下卻突顯了現場的細節,使觀眾能感受到那些放大了的觸覺。又例如講到阿博,會運用高角度和低角度的鏡頭,以配合阿博英雄主義的心態,但英雄主義的背後,其實又埋藏著被人看不起的自卑感。
5. 我愛看安哲羅普諾斯的電影,他運用了很多希臘神話的意象探討現代希臘人的鄉愁,他每每借用兒子的角色幫助父親完成歸家的旅程。這部片也不例外,有時要救贖的並不是年青人,而是成年人。子諾跟媽媽說:我冇咗視力啫,又唔係冇咗條命。然後,媽媽放開了。肥然向爸爸道謝,爸爸知道什麼才是最重要。這又是電影的深度。
6. 有兩個有趣節現象:第一,參與拍攝的學校校長都是女性。是巧合,還是女性對某種青少年特質有一定的影響力?我不想being sexist,但有些場面換了是男校長和男生講道理,會少了一份「人情」的力量。第二,校長的出鏡率比教師更高。根據個人經驗,校長都是很忙的,學生問題多由前線教師處理,但電影中的校長差不多兼任了教師的工作,那麼教師都去了哪裡?可能教師不大想出鏡吧,但我寧願多聽一些教師的心聲。
7. 離開電影院,我問自己:還想回校園嗎?我很猶疑。我仍然覺得,很多「問題」是學校製造出來的,我怕《爭氣》會令藝術教育變成品格教育的手段,舞台成為「改變」年青人的場所。學生唔聽話嗎?做音樂劇啦!本末倒置的教育,可以把藝術教育的精神抽空。我喜歡教學,但仍希望盡力回復社會的教育功能,最好的教育應該是潤物無聲的,即使不在舞在,置身於茫茫大自然之中,便能盡性自在。
2014年11月16日 星期日
2014年11月6日 星期四
2014年11月2日 星期日
我經常同學生講:了解過去,並非為了預測將來的世界,而是豐富我們對未來的想像。換而言之,讀歷史的人,看到的將來應該是越來越寬闊的。近讀John Tosh的Why History Matters有以下的段落,我非常認同:
「The least contentious application of historical reasoning lies in the recognition of the past as an almost limitless experiential resource. The range of activity, mentality and reflection uncovered from the past societies goes far beyond what could be imagined using only the resources of the contemporary world. This record of human creativity is an important part of our armoury for facing the future. It seldom affords a basis for prediction, but it feeds the imagination about the potential for alternatives in the future. It is also a powerful antidote to any notion of a predestined path.」(p. 7)
「Collective memory is at the cutting edge of cultural history because of the insight it provides into the historical consciousness of ordinary people; shared memory comprises a repertoire images of the past, adjust over time to reflect changing circumstances and changing social values. In so far as identity history articulates a body of social memory, it reinforces certain community values...」(p. 17)
「Proximity and distance are constantly in contention as we focus on the past; as Simon Schama has put it, ' all history is a negotiation between familiarity and strangeness'. But the negotiation generally comes down on the side of strangeness. The effect of the passage of time has been to detach us ever more completely from the world of our forebears - from their material circumstances, their social arrangements, their culture and their common sense.」(p. 27)
「public history refers to historical work carried out in the community, always out of fascination with the past, and sometimes as an assertion of ownership over the past, through oral history, family history and other community projects.」(p. 100)
1. 面對著現代化的生活態度,經歷過農村生活的人如何詮釋這些回憶?(例如:一位村民跟我和學生說,以前好辛苦,但很懷念,好掛住以前的生活),學生聽到這裡,如何理解這種辛苦的甜蜜?這些社會回憶(和背後的價值)如何傳承下去?
2. 歷史是一個「異國」,但當我們一腳踏進異國的時候,反而對自己的家鄉(現實世界)有更深的反思和認識。這種passage of time的意識是反思的起點。
3. 如果說,口述歷史其實是要重奪過去的話語權,自己歷史自己講!
「The least contentious application of historical reasoning lies in the recognition of the past as an almost limitless experiential resource. The range of activity, mentality and reflection uncovered from the past societies goes far beyond what could be imagined using only the resources of the contemporary world. This record of human creativity is an important part of our armoury for facing the future. It seldom affords a basis for prediction, but it feeds the imagination about the potential for alternatives in the future. It is also a powerful antidote to any notion of a predestined path.」(p. 7)
「Collective memory is at the cutting edge of cultural history because of the insight it provides into the historical consciousness of ordinary people; shared memory comprises a repertoire images of the past, adjust over time to reflect changing circumstances and changing social values. In so far as identity history articulates a body of social memory, it reinforces certain community values...」(p. 17)
「Proximity and distance are constantly in contention as we focus on the past; as Simon Schama has put it, ' all history is a negotiation between familiarity and strangeness'. But the negotiation generally comes down on the side of strangeness. The effect of the passage of time has been to detach us ever more completely from the world of our forebears - from their material circumstances, their social arrangements, their culture and their common sense.」(p. 27)
「public history refers to historical work carried out in the community, always out of fascination with the past, and sometimes as an assertion of ownership over the past, through oral history, family history and other community projects.」(p. 100)
1. 面對著現代化的生活態度,經歷過農村生活的人如何詮釋這些回憶?(例如:一位村民跟我和學生說,以前好辛苦,但很懷念,好掛住以前的生活),學生聽到這裡,如何理解這種辛苦的甜蜜?這些社會回憶(和背後的價值)如何傳承下去?
2. 歷史是一個「異國」,但當我們一腳踏進異國的時候,反而對自己的家鄉(現實世界)有更深的反思和認識。這種passage of time的意識是反思的起點。
3. 如果說,口述歷史其實是要重奪過去的話語權,自己歷史自己講!
Heimat literature was one aspect of a great variety of activities and institutions - in part reactionary, in part practically reformist, in part idealistically utopian - which have sometimes been drawn together under the umbrella title of the 'Heimatbewegung' or Heimat movement and which can be seen as responses to Germany's rapid modernization. By no means ideologically homogeneous, the Heimat movement embraced activities stretching from environmental planning and countryside protection, though local history societies, museums documenting local customs and costumes, tourist guidebooks, geography textbooks and syllabuses for primary schoolchildren, to local rambling and sports clubs and folk festivals and touched too on such developments as the German garden city movement and even city allotments. Much of this acitivity was comparable to what would now be called Burgerinitiativen or citizens' initiatives to sustain the quality of life in a locality and like such present-day activism was politically diverse. Key oppositions in the discourse of Heimat set country against city, province agsinst metropolis, tradtion against modernity, nature against artificiality, organic culture against civilization, fixed, familiar, rooted identity against comsomopolitanism, hybridity, alien otherness, or the faceless mass. (p. 2)
所以,我很喜歡以下對鄉土的定義:Frame of mind,心靈構圖。鄉土是一幅心靈構圖,教育也是和學生一起塑造這幅心靈構圖。
Heimat is not a pre-existing heritage, but must be constantly produced and appropriated by the individual...Heimat is not a fixed, static place, but rather a social space which must be constantly adapted or recreated, through individual effort...Heimat ceases to be conceived either as the place of origin or a utopian place of arrival, becoming instead a frame of mind: the commitment of citizens to the process of making a liveable social space. Man may be territorial, but the territory keeps changing (p. 194)
if Heimat, supposedly the uniqe place of origin, can be multiplied, then the outcome may indeed be 'keine', a negation of the concept. But if Heimat is a aframe of mind inducing an active relationship between human beings and their environment, then multiplication may salvage values worth retaining in an age of more rapid change and greater mobility than ever before. (p. 195)
Heimat values are what make places and peoples different in contrast to the perceived homogenizing tendencies of moderntiy. At the same time Heimat discourse butresses group identity. This interplay of identity and difference can take on many political shades depending on the historical context. (p. 204)
Place is a primary factor both in the narrator's growing sense of identity and its ultimate collapse. For the places are also social spaces infused with historical meaning. (p. 207)
--Elizabeth Bao and Rachel Palfreyman, Heimat: A German Dream: Regional loyalties and national identity in German Culture 1890-1990. New York: Oxford University Press.
Heimat literature was one aspect of a great variety of activities and institutions - in part reactionary, in part practically reformist, in part idealistically utopian - which have sometimes been drawn together under the umbrella title of the 'Heimatbewegung' or Heimat movement and which can be seen as responses to Germany's rapid modernization. By no means ideologically homogeneous, the Heimat movement embraced activities stretching from environmental planning and countryside protection, though local history societies, museums documenting local customs and costumes, tourist guidebooks, geography textbooks and syllabuses for primary schoolchildren, to local rambling and sports clubs and folk festivals and touched too on such developments as the German garden city movement and even city allotments. Much of this acitivity was comparable to what would now be called Burgerinitiativen or citizens' initiatives to sustain the quality of life in a locality and like such present-day activism was politically diverse. Key oppositions in the discourse of Heimat set country against city, province agsinst metropolis, tradtion against modernity, nature against artificiality, organic culture against civilization, fixed, familiar, rooted identity against comsomopolitanism, hybridity, alien otherness, or the faceless mass. (p. 2)
所以,我很喜歡以下對鄉土的定義:Frame of mind,心靈構圖。鄉土是一幅心靈構圖,教育也是和學生一起塑造這幅心靈構圖。
Heimat is not a pre-existing heritage, but must be constantly produced and appropriated by the individual...Heimat is not a fixed, static place, but rather a social space which must be constantly adapted or recreated, through individual effort...Heimat ceases to be conceived either as the place of origin or a utopian place of arrival, becoming instead a frame of mind: the commitment of citizens to the process of making a liveable social space. Man may be territorial, but the territory keeps changing (p. 194)
if Heimat, supposedly the uniqe place of origin, can be multiplied, then the outcome may indeed be 'keine', a negation of the concept. But if Heimat is a aframe of mind inducing an active relationship between human beings and their environment, then multiplication may salvage values worth retaining in an age of more rapid change and greater mobility than ever before. (p. 195)
Heimat values are what make places and peoples different in contrast to the perceived homogenizing tendencies of moderntiy. At the same time Heimat discourse butresses group identity. This interplay of identity and difference can take on many political shades depending on the historical context. (p. 204)
Place is a primary factor both in the narrator's growing sense of identity and its ultimate collapse. For the places are also social spaces infused with historical meaning. (p. 207)
--Elizabeth Bao and Rachel Palfreyman, Heimat: A German Dream: Regional loyalties and national identity in German Culture 1890-1990. New York: Oxford University Press.
2014年11月1日 星期六
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