2013年11月13日 星期三


Theobald, Paul. Teaching the Commons: Place, Pride, and the Renewal of Community. Colorado: Westview Press, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

這本書值得我慢慢地讀,以美國的鄉郊教育(rural education)作為行動的參照,與書本對話,尋找行動的靈感和方向。

“This is a book about the role that schools can play in the promotion or, regrettably, the dissolution of community. (p.1)


“A central argument of the book is that wherever a school exists, the professionals who work within it must focus their pedagogical energy on the immediate place inhabited by the school; that is, they must make the word “local” in the phrase “local school” mean something if we are ever to be successful at elevating a sense of community in this society.” (p.1)


“Schools ought to attend more consciously to their physical place on earth and the social, political, and economic dynamics that surround it. Doing so would render the entire school experience more meaningful and, in the process, would contribute in a small, though not insignificant, way to a cultural healing in society.” (p.1)

多麼的熱血和激勵呀。我很欣賞作者用了「physical place」,一個腳踏實地、有血有汗的地方(而不僅僅是地方意識呀),作者更用了「醫治」(healing)這個溫柔的字眼。對,若然學生在學校的學習經驗,能夠醫治受傷的社區和社群,這就是我想像中的「鄉土教育」。把我們生活和學習的這片土地視為我們的母親,我們向土地學習,也因此能溫柔地對待生我育我的鄉土文化。學習,不應再以自身的效益為目標,而應先以地上的生命開始,再關顧身邊的社群,最後才到自己。

“By attending to their place, rural schools can begin to set a new institutional trajectory for formal education in this country. Rather than promoting simplistic agenda that can be described accurately as equipping children with the factual knowledge needed by future employers, the global economy, or the Educational Testing Service, the school could become an agent for the restoration of community. It could do this, in part, by encouraging children to explore the wisdom inherent in elevating the common good above their own individual desires. This is an idea with a long intellectual tradition in the West, an idea that has been effectively buried in this country by our feverish consumer culture.” (p. 1-2)



"Ovecoming the power of these cultural beliefs, however, is no easy task. Yet this is precisely what is required of anyone who would seek substantive changes in the interest of a brighter future." (p.2)


